
Our way of working


Pertinent part of any business are contributions or capital investments. “Zero investment business” philosophy is yet very rare to work. Practical realities show that profitability of any enterprise depends on investment scope. Successful entrepreneurs only earn where they are spend. We provide assistance in search of partners and/or investors for successful promising projects. We will help you to find professionals or amateurs (depending on your preferences) interested exactly in your industrial or nonindustrial sector.

Market analysis

We will assist you in selection of the specific country and location for the most favorable conditions in doing business. Market research helps to prognoses profitability and includes competitors’ environment data collection, needs and solvency of potential clients. Market analysis is drawn up by expert conclusion.

Business analysis

Detailed planning includes step-by-step instruction for doing business, evaluation of competitors, marketing strategy, production plan, scope of required investments, analysis of upcoming receipts and expenditures, profitability indexes (break-even point), profit forecasts, organizational chart of future enterprise and business development prospects. Histories of famous brands witness of possibility to perform business planning for future 50 years and even further.


We provide assistance in organization and successful conduct of negotiations of any level. Thanks to experience of our professionals your transactions and partnership conditions will become more favorable for you. Negotiations organization will allow you to organize a meeting with person/company you are interested in. We will also assume selection and approval of mutually convenient location, timing, format, organization of synchronous interpretation, secretary services arrangements if necessary. Besides, our independent secretary may keep minutes of the general meeting thus guaranteeing to participants and shareholders unprejudiced and neutral character of decisions made.