

Assumed transaction assessment

Analysis of all aspects of the past, present and forecast future of the business being purchased as well as identification of all possible risks as follows: risk of purchasing enterprise at over valuated price; risk of liabilities failure by debtor enterprise; risk of assets, money loss; risk of damages; risk of lawsuits; risk of assets arrest; risk of declaring transaction null and void; risk of imposing sanctions on assets, valuable securities; risk for prosecution; risk of occurrence of corporate conflicts (takeovers, mergers, litigations); risk of intellectual property loss; political risks, risk of administrative leverage loss: risk of fraudulent actions; risk of loss or failure to obtain pertinent permits, licenses crucial for project completion, etc. Both investor (buyer) and investee (seller) are interested in unprejudiced and competent completion of above procedures.


We provide assistance in organization and successful conduct of negotiations of any level. Thanks to experience of our professionals your transactions and partnership conditions will become more favorable for you. Negotiations organization will allow you to organize a meeting with person/company you are interested in. We will also assume selection and approval of mutually convenient location, timing, format, organization of synchronous interpretation, secretary services arrangements if necessary. Besides, our independent secretary may keep minutes of the general meeting thus guaranteeing to participants and shareholders unprejudiced and neutral character of decisions made.

Business restructuring

As it is known, a look from the other perspective, especially if made by unprejudiced and qualified experts, may help discover weak points and hidden resources.

By results of work completed we will provide you with proposals in developing new organizational chart as well as a step-by-step action plan for its implementation.

Within the framework of realization of suggested variant of company organization we make possible development of strategy plan and business plans on separate directions of restructuring as well as work procedures for specific units and the whole company and step-by-step transition plan from current structure to a new one.

Such restructuring will allow you: building an up-to-date and reliable system of assets protection; creating a single centre of decision making and decisions implementing control system; strict controlling of financial relations within the group of companies as well as with counterparts; providing business protection instruments against fraudulent activities of counterparts; obtaining confidence in the future for you an d your employees due to reliable legal support.


Expanding new markets is quite a risky action. But under global economy conditions this risk is justified and inevitable for a successful company.

New markets expansion widens your consumers’ range and thus increases your sales and turnover. We provide consulting and organizational support of your company/products/services expanding new markets.

Full range of services includes new markets peculiarities analysis (competition, consumers’ solvency, mentality, legislation, lease rates and taxation) as well as concrete measures aimed at your presence on those markets.


PR (public relations) stands for informational flows management in between organization and public. PR objective is to create a positive image of organization in the conscious of potential consumer as well as other stakeholders. PR tooling is wide and diverse: making reports at conferences, participating in festivals and contests, communication with press, and personnel issues management — list can be far way longer.

Besides establishing interaction with consumers and stakeholders through mass media, PR also allows for establishing relations with partners, investors, and business relation within the company.